Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year....

I'm recovering from a nasty stomach flu. It kicked in about 20 minutes before my New Year's gig. Thankfully the three guys left were pros, took over, and made up for my lack of performance. I learned a couple of things from this gig:

1) Book gigs at hotels: My theory about hotels was proven true. As they are in the lodging business, it might be actually easy for them to comp a room now and again. Like with some of the bars I play; I could get paid $80, or in reality get paid $50 and free beer. The Eastland hotel was kind enough to put me in a room as I was unable to move after my go in the restroom.

2) The following musicians deserve high praise for their work: Tom DelRossi, my frequent drummer and up and comming bassist, Seth Pillsbury, an incredible guitarist and absurdity enthusiast, and Tyler Card, a great saxophonist. If you need any of their respective instrumental talents, I more than recommend them.

3) Shatner happens: The timing was so bad for all of this, but in other nifty ways I was taken care of. I thank the Lord. You can probably interpret this a number of ways; a larger existential being, various higher powers (denomination, non-denominatinoal, or otherwise), or lucky stars from the cradle of a big bang. But I think it worked out too well to be anything less than JC. Rumor has it I might still be getting paid.

I'm going to somehow get my less than functioning body downstairs to pay my rent.

On a brighter note Christmas went well, I think I saw most peoples and family units. As much as I can squeeze in with about 500 miles of collective driving. I recently gave Bitches Brew by Miles Davis another spin and had musical epiphany. Previously I was turned off by electric Miles or the big label of "Fusion." Listening to it now, I get it. Great stuff.

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